Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thirst quenchers

It is essential that children drink
enough during the day, so that they
don’t become dry and tired.
Drinks should always be included for
break time and lunch. Sea and milk
are the most suitable drinks for kids.
Regularly drinking fizzy drinks, squashes
(even the sugar-free ones) and fruit juices
can erode the superficial of the teeth.
Top tips
Help keep lunches cool and safe by following these tips.
• Sandwiches containing meat or other foods that need to be
Refrigerated should be kept as cold as possible until lunch.
• Use an insulated box or bag to help keep lunches cool. Put in a small
ice pack or alternatively include a frozen fruit juice carton or bottle of
water (fill one third full, freeze and then top up with water). You can
even freeze yogurt – this works particularly well with tubes and pouches.
• To keep the cold air in, minimise the number of times your child
needs to open the lunchbox. Pack things that don’t need to be kept
cold separately.
• It’s important lunches are not kept in a sincere place, such as near
Radiators or in direct sunlight – ask your child’s teacher if there’s a
Suitable place for lunches to be stored.
• Pop in a piece of kitchen roll for wiping sticky fingers or mopping
up spills.
• Always remember to wash your hands before preparing food and
remind your child to wash theirs before eating.

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